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2024年08月14日 优品资讯网

Children born during pandemic have lower IQs, US study finds


Children born during the coronavirus pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance compared with children born before, a US study suggests.


With Covid-19 triggering the closure of businesses, nurseries, schools and playgrounds, life for infants changed considerably, with parents stressed and stretched as they tried to balance work and childcare.



With limited stimulation at home and less interaction with the world outside, pandemic-era children appear to have scored shockingly low on tests designed to assess cognitive development, said lead study author Sean Deoni, associate professor of paediatrics (research) at Brown University.

该研究的第一作者是来自布朗大学儿科(研究)的副教授肖恩·迪奥尼(Sean Deoni),他指出,由于家庭中激发(婴儿大脑活动)的刺激有限,加上婴儿与外界的互动较少,疫情时代的儿童在认知发展评估测试中,得分之低出人意料。


"It's not subtle by any stretch, " said Deoni. "You don't typically see things like that, outside of major cognitive disorders."


Whether these lower cognitive scores will have a long-term impact is unclear.In the first few years of life, the foundations for cognition are laid, much like building a house — it's easier to add rooms or flourishes when you're building the foundation, Deoni said."The ability to course-correct becomes smaller, the older that child gets."


Given this data comes from a relatively affluent part of the US, the fear is that things could be worse in poorer parts of the country and the world, he added.


The key factor influencing these lower scores in infants has likely been stress on parents who faced challenges in both working and providing full-time attentive childcare, said Sir Terence Stephenson, a Nuffield professor of child health at University College London.

伦敦大学学院的纳菲尔德儿童健康学教授特伦斯·斯蒂芬森(Terence Stephenson)爵士表示,影响婴儿在上述测试中得分较低的关键因素可能在于父母承受的压力,他们面对的挑战既包括工作,又包括全职育儿。

"Perhaps not surprising that children from lower socioeconomic families have been most affected as this resonates with many of the other financial, employment and health impacts of the pandemic."





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